3 Easy Tricks Backed By Science

Motivation is a hot topic these days. The trick is to stay motivated, even when you feel like you're standing still. Truth is, it's much easier to set goals than to actually get ‘em done It all comes down to motivation, and we'll be honest: We have trouble keeping the fire lit. With millions of people filing for unemployment and markets remaining unpredictable (at best), you're not alone in feeling anxiety over the financial possibilities, even if you're still getting a steady paycheck.

Rather than trying to tackle a dozen projects at once, focus your full effort and attention on one task at a time, starting with the most important task that you need to complete that day and working your way down the list. One of the most damaging factors in our ability to stay motivated to achieve our goals is procrastination.

These learning experiences always teach them what they need to know so they can move forward and achieve their goals. In the end, overcaffeination will exaggerate the feeling of being mentally cloudy and unfocused. We don't write on a bench in an idyllic park until sunset, nor spend eight hours every day in dainty coffee shops.

Every inspirational author, speaker and life coach has his own tips (and DVDs and seminars), but over my decades of observing super-successful, high-achieving people, I've come Coach up with a list of seven things that are fundamental to sustaining motivation, whether you're trying to finish a 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle or climb Kilimanjaro.

This will also weaken your motivation in time which will then make things harder for you. We make plans and make promises to ourselves to follow through, but if it's just in our minds we tend to forget both plans and promises as soon as life gets busy. Your quality of life will change dramatically when you take charge of how motivated you feel in any given moment.

If it is hard to find a positive atmosphere at the moment, and you need a quick fix, there is always the alternative; search for jokes online or take time to watch a comedy that you love. Below are five ways successful people stay highly motivated. Just as you do in the office, give yourself the time out, but then work your way back to the task, perhaps using a snack as a cue to start again.

Start a load of wash right away, and make it your goal to get clean clothes in their closets by lunchtime. This circles back to the point above - you must remain extremely optimistic at all times, and if you do get knocked down you have to bounce right back up, 100 percent focused on your end goal.

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